Certification Central President’s Message - April 2023

Hello everyone and happy Spring,
First and foremost, I hope that you are all doing well. I know severe weather has impacted several areas around the country, and I know others are dealing with the aftermath of mass shootings. It has been rough, and I just pray that you and your loved ones are safe. Please do share your feelings with each other, support one another, and seek professional help, if needed. You have to take care of yourself before you can take care of others. Please always remember that.
Spring is a time for change, for regrowth, and renewal. Along that note, I would like to share some changes that are happening with MSNCB.
On behalf of the Medical-Surgical Nursing Certification Board (MSNCB) Board of Directors, I am writing to let you know about an exciting change for MSNCB and the Academy of Medical-Surgical Nurses (AMSN). At the end of February, we made the strategic decision to partner with Smithbucklin, the leader in association management firms and a proven partner for healthcare associations, to serve as our association management firm, effective July 1, 2023. We would like to thank the many staff at Anthony J. Jannetti, Inc. (AJJ) who have supported our organization over the years, especially our CEO, Terri Hinkley.
We hope you know that MSNCB is committed to valuing and validating excellence in medical-surgical nursing as essential to positive patient outcomes. We believe that this new partnership with Smithbucklin will allow us to grow and further achieve that mission by leveraging their deep expertise in helping organizations like ours innovate, grow and thrive.
What’s Next?
Our current AJJ staff will work with new staff members from Smithbucklin over the next few months to ensure a successful transition. Please continue to contact MSNCB headquarters as you normally would through June 30. The website will remain the same as always. As we approach the July 1 transition date, additional information will be shared about how to contact MSNCB headquarters.
As the transition gets underway, so will our search for a new CEO, and we will be sure to keep you informed about that leadership change as well.
While we strive for a seamless transition, we also recognize that times like these can sometimes bring unintended disruptions. We ask for your patience and understanding during this time of transition.
Thank you for all that you do and for your continued support of MSNCB during this time! Please feel free to reach out with any questions or concerns.