A new way to recertify coming soon.
The Medical-Surgical Nursing Certification Board defines competency as having the knowledge, skills, attributes, or attitudes to practice safely, utilizing knowledge and experience, to guide nursing practice. Continuing competence is demonstrating proficiency and professional development in medical – surgical nursing practice and the advancement of the nurse from novice to expert level clinician.
In 2022, MSNCB put together a task force to explore different models that incorporate continuing competence into the recertification process. The competency models were then tested by a large group of CMSRN certified nurses. The results of the pilot study were evaluated, and the selected model provides evidence that a nurse who uses the new recertification process demonstrates lifelong learning and remains competent in all domain areas of the CMSRN certification.
What will the new recertification process look like?
CMSRN certificants will use a self-assessment tool provide by MSNCB that will indicate one’s competency level in each domain area of the CMSRN certification. The self-assessment will guide the assignment of targeted nursing continuing professional development (NCPD) hours which ensures the certificant is competent in all domain areas of the CMSRN.
Certification will be valid for a 3-year period. Fifty (50) professional development continuing education hours will be required for recertification. Professional development continuing education hours will consist of thirty (30) assigned NCPD hours from an accredited organization. At least one (1) NCPD will be about Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion. The remaining twenty (20) hours are self-selected by the certificants and can be obtained through activities such as volunteering, writing a publication, preceptoring, and more.
Recertification by examination will no longer be an available option.
What’s the rationale for the recertification requirements?
The MSNCB Board of Directors approves all changes to the recertification process. The three-year period established for recertification is based on the constant changes to med-surg practice, research, and information introduced in the med-surg specialty. Professional development continuing education hours should be acquired routinely so that certificants remain current with best practices and competent in each domain of the CMSRN certification.
When will the new recertification process start?
MSNCB is currently in the process of creating a technology platform that will assist certificants through the recertification process with ease! A formal communication plan with further details about the process is being developed and the new recertification process will likely launch in a phased approach starting in 2024.