Robin's Nest President's Column - October 2020

For those of you who have attended convention in the past, you probably recognize an excitement in the air as convention draws closer. Plans are made and the session offerings are reviewed to select just which one to attend.
We look forward to seeing friends from across the country (the world even!) that we only see at convention. And, of course, we look at the convention city to see what excitement we can find – a show, shopping, clubbing, or just enjoying the unique architecture.
The real joy for me though is seeing nurses from all over the country come together to learn, laugh, and just be in the company of other great nurses. I’m so pleased when nurses come up to me and talk about a great session they attended, a new connection they’ve made, a really interesting poster presentation or everything they plan on taking back to their unit.
And the food! There’s always something new to try, cuisines to explore and then, to be able to break bread with colleagues and new friends from across the world is truly something special.
Of course, things are different this year. We will be meeting in the comfort of our own home or office. While it’s not ideal – we are blessed to have the ability to meet virtually and still enjoy many of the things that comprise convention.
For example, there’s no need to select one session in a time block; now you will have access to all sessions – 55 continuing hours of education with two years to complete them! Fabulous speakers are still part of the mixture with leaders like Mary Wakefield who has dedicated her professional life to promoting health in our nation.
Happy hours on Friday and Saturday will be special with Nurse Blake, of social media fame, who will lead our Happy Hour on Friday and Georgie Carroll, a nurse AND comedian, for Saturday evening. AMSN will even provide a cup with our logo for your favorite happy hour beverage!
Although we won’t be in Las Vegas as planned this year, you still have an opportunity to win! Contests, giveaways, challenges and a chance to co-host a live recording of Med-Surg Moments, AMSN’s podcast are on the table. I can guarantee that everyone who attends will be a winner – education, networking, prizes and comfort; who can ask for anything more in such an unusual year.
Best of all perhaps – no mask required!
I hope you take some time to reach out and let me know what you think of the virtual conference. In fact, let’s connect before convention through the AMSN Connect app. Reach out and let me know what you’re excited about for this year’s convention. It’s definitely been a year of surprises (not necessarily good ones); join us October 22-25 for some truly wonderful surprises and excitement, won’t you?